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Elecraft KX3 retrofit V1 by RadioSet-GO, operating in the woods of NH
Ham Radio Go Box: The Best QRP Amateur Radio KX3 Go Box part 1
Waving to Italy with an ATS-3B.1 QRP radio, RadioSet-GO style
MTR 3B RadioSet-GO conversion
Will This Wire Antenna Work? | Portable Ham Radio with the Elecraft KX3
First Portable QSO with Elecraft KX3
A quick look at the RadioSet-GO optimized LNR MTR 3B
KX3 + PX3
Elecraft KX3 Portable Ham Radio Station quick overview | Parks on the Air and Worldwide Flora Fauna
RadioSet-GO converted MTR3b QRP CW transceiver
Elecraft AX1 VS Little Tarheel
KX3 PX3 Video 2